
登落磯山國家公園Wild Basin區高山湖Thunder Lake (2023.07.25)

Thunder Lake (3)

Thunder Lake 

昨天去攀登的Thunder Lake早在2006年就去攀登過,近日有山友貼出在該步道拍到罕見的野生蘭~Clustered Lady’s Slipper orchid(簇狀少女拖鞋蘭)誘發我再度前往的衝動,小外孫貝貝也敲邊鼓的說要陪我去就此成行了!

昨天是找到了Clustered Lady’s Slipper orchid,但已花謝甚至結實,期待來年了;照片後四張是山友在七月中上旬所拍的花開照片!

Thunder Lake Trail的前半段Bluebird Lake Trail另有一種罕見的野生蘭Calypso蘭(仙女拖鞋蘭, Fairy Slipper Orchid),植株、花朵特小(全株高約20公分,花朵長約2.5 -3.5公分),且藏身在森林陰暗處的腐植土上不容易發現,但她的花期是5~6月,昨天當然沒找到她的芳蹤;特貼出幾張前幾年拍的照片回味一下!

Calypso Orchid (Fairy Slipper Orchid) (5)

Calypso Orchid (Fairy Slipper Orchid) (4)

Calypso Orchid (Fairy Slipper Orchid) (3)

Calypso Orchid (Fairy Slipper Orchid) (2)

Calypso Orchid (Fairy Slipper Orchid) (1)


攀登湖泊:Thunder Lake,海拔10,574呎/3,223公尺

登山口:Wild Basin Trailhead,海拔8,510呎/2,594公尺






07:50 由Wild Basin Trailhead出發,座標N40° 12.466' W105° 33.990',海拔8,510呎/2,594公尺;

Wild Basin Trailhead (1)

Wild Basin Trailhead (2)

Wild Basin Trailhead 


08:00 抵Lower Copeland Falls岔路,取左前往Lower Copeland Falls,然後沿河邊小徑西南行;

Lower Copeland Falls

Lower Copeland Falls

經過Upper Copeland Falls後接回正規步道朝西南行,步道旁野花盛開。

Upper Copeland Falls

Upper Copeland Falls

Pink Wintergreen

Pink Wintergreen

Whipple's Penstemon

Whipple's Penstemon

virgin's bower

virgin's bower

Sego Lily (mariposa lily) (3)

Sego Lily (mariposa lily) (2)

Sego Lily (mariposa lily) (1)

Sego Lily (mariposa lily) 

North St. Vrain Creek next to the trail (1)

North St. Vrain Creek next to the trail 

08:33 抵Thunder Lake Trail和Ouzel Falls、Bluebird Lake Trail岔路,座標N40° 12.014' W105° 35.285',海拔8,884呎/2,708公尺,距登山口約1.4哩/2.25公里;

The Campsites spur trail, take a right here (1)

The Campsites spur trail, take a right here (2)

The Campsites spur trail, take a right here 

左岔正規步道會經過Calypso Cascade、Ouzel Falls後在下一岔路分別左往Bluebird Lake和右往Thunder Lake,右邊岔路Backcountry campsite access trail 則是經幾個露營區後直接通往Thunder Lake,此經露營區的捷徑步道比經瀑布的正規步道距離短了0.7哩/1.13公里,我們決定先取右上行往Thunder Lake,下山時視有否時間再決定是否繞道Ouzel Falls,此段經幾處露營區的步道有點陡,路面粗糙多亂石,但路徑還算清楚不難走。

Backcountry campsite access trail (2)

Typical terrain along the Campsites spur

Typical terrain along the Campsites spur

08:47 抵一處右岔路通往Tahosa Campsite,取左續直上行。

Tahosa Campsite spur

Tahosa Campsite spur

09:00 再經一右側岔路通往Aspen Knoll Campsite,仍取左岔續直上行。

Aspen Knoll Campsite spur

Aspen Knoll Campsite spur

Linnaea Borealis

Linnaea Borealis

Backcountry campsite access trail (1)

Backcountry campsite access trail 

Looking southwest at Copeland Mountain from Thunder Lake Trail near 9,394'

Looking southwest at Copeland Mountain from Thunder Lake Trail near 9,394'

09:25 抵由Ouzel Falls上來的正規步道岔路,座標N40° 12.303' W105° 36.403',海拔9,480呎/2,890公尺,距登山口約2.7哩/4.35公里;

Thunder Lake & Ouzel Falls junction

Thunder Lake & Ouzel Falls junction

Trail sign at the trail merger

Trail sign at the trail merger

路牌標示左下往Ouzel Falls約0.8 哩,右直行往Thunder Lake約3.3哩,取右朝Thunder Lake上行,隨即右側有一岔路通往N. St. Vrain Campsite,取左沿主線上行。

N. St. Vrain Campsite spur

N. St. Vrain Campsite spur

09:28 路右Siskin Campsite岔路,取左主線上行;

Siskin Campsite spur

Siskin Campsite spur

此後沿途陸續出現較罕見的野生蘭~Clustered Lady’s Slipper (簇狀少女拖鞋蘭),這是今天主要尋找的野生蘭,可惜已過了花期,僅殘留幾朵已凋謝的花朵;

Clustered Lady’s Slipper (3)

Clustered Lady’s Slipper (8)

Clustered Lady's Slipper


Clustered Lady’s Slipper at blooming (1)

Clustered Lady’s Slipper at blooming (2)

Clustered Lady’s Slipper at blooming (3)

Clustered Lady’s Slipper at blooming (4)

Clustered Lady’s Slipper at blooming 


Looking southeast at Meadow Mountain & Saint Vrain Mountain from Thunder Lake Trail near 9,900'

Looking southeast at Meadow Mountain & Saint Vrain Mountain from Thunder Lake Trail near 9,900'

10:11 通過橫跨支流小溪澗的簡易原木續行。

Cross bridge over tributary (1)

Cross bridge over tributary 

10:14 抵Thunder Lake Trail和Lion Lake Trail岔路,座標N40° 12.766' W105° 37.495',海拔10,054呎/3,064公尺,距登山口約3.9哩/6.28公里;

Thunder Lake & Lion Lake Trail split (1)

Thunder Lake & Lion Lake Trail split (2)

Thunder Lake & Lion Lake Trail split 

路牌標示距Thunder Lake還有2.0哩,取左朝Thunder Lake西行;

Picture (87)

On the way up to Thunder Lake 

此後的步道是一段長陡坡,步道旁仍不時見到花已謝的Clustered Lady’s Slipper;

Clustered Lady’s Slipper (10)

Clustered Lady’s Slipper (5)

Clustered Lady’s Slipper 

透過樹林空隙可清楚看見西方的高山Copeland Mountain。

Looking southwest at Copeland Mountain from Thunder Lake Trail near 10,200'

Looking southwest at Copeland Mountain from Thunder Lake Trail near 10,200'

10:38 上抵一處開闊地,步道坡度轉為緩坡並進入亞高山森林(subalpine forest)緩坡穿行,座標N40° 12.731' W105° 37.785',海拔10,245呎/3,123公尺,距登山口約4.3哩/6.92公里;

On the way up to Thunder Lake (1)

On the way up to Thunder Lake (2)

On the way up to Thunder Lake 

On the way up to Thunder Lake (3)

On the way up to Thunder Lake 


Looking to higher ground (2)

Looking to higher ground (1)

Looking to higher ground 

11:11 經過一座有單邊扶手的獨木橋跨越支流。

Cross bridge over tributary (2)

Cross bridge over tributary

Cross bridge over tributary (3)

Cross bridge over tributary 

11:28 抵Thunder Lake Trail最高點,座標N40° 13.424' W105° 38.651',海拔10,687呎/3,257公尺,距登山口約5.7哩/9.17公里;

The deceptive highest point of the trail

The deceptive highest point of the trail

此處有兩岔路,右岔往露營區,取左岔下行往Thunder Lake。

On the way up to Thunder Lake (4)

On the way up to Thunder Lake 

11:35 抵達Thunder Lake,座標N40° 13.329' W105° 38.706',海拔10,574呎/3,223公尺,距登山口約5.8哩/9.33公里;

The USFS (Forest Service) cabin (4)

Thunder Lake with the USFS cabin in background

Thunder Lake (5)

Thunder Lake (10)

Thunder Lake 

在湖的東北角有一座Thunder Lake Patrol Cabin(巡邏小屋),這座屬於USFS (US Forest Service)只有一間房間的小木屋建於1930年,並於1988年被列入國家史蹟名錄。

The USFS (Forest Service) cabin (1)

The USFS (Forest Service) cabin (3)

The USFS (Forest Service) cabin 


Thunder Lake (1)

Thunder Lake (11)

Thunder Lake (2)

Thunder Lake 

Thunder Lake 位在海拔3,790公尺的Tanima Peak南面山腳下,西北邊是海拔3,692公尺的Pilot Mountain和4,058公尺的Mount Alice,湖的出水口蠻多盛開的野花,我們在湖邊休息用午餐。

Thunder Lake (6)

Thunder Lake (7)

Thunder Lake (8)

Thunder Lake (9)

Thunder Lake 

Elephant Head flower (1)

Elephant Head flower (2)

Elephant Head flower

12:00 循原路下山。

13:38 回到Ouzel Falls的岔路,貝貝提議繞道Ouzel Falls去走走,取右岔往Ouzel Falls下行。

13:52 接到Bluebird Lake Trail,右岔上行通往Ouzel Lake和Bluebird Lake,左岔下行往Ouzel Falls和Wild Basin Trailhead,座標N40° 12.094' W105° 36.197',海拔9,400呎/2,865公尺,取左下行。

14:09 下抵Ouzel Falls下方橫跨Ouzel Creek的木橋;

A full Ouzel Creek, fueled by mid-summer snowmelt and rain (1)

A full Ouzel Creek, fueled by mid-summer snowmelt and rain 

過了木橋後取右沿著小徑上到Ouzel Falls處欣賞瀑布及小休;

Ouzel Falls (10)

Ouzel Falls (1)

Ouzel Falls (7)

Ouzel Falls (4)

Ouzel Falls 


14:56 經過Calypso Cascade後續行下山。

Calypso Cascade (1)

Calypso Cascade 

15:50 返抵登山口,開車返家。



Alltrails:Thunder Lake Loop Trail (2023.07.25)