La Plata Peak hiking route
La Plata Peak海拔14,336呎(4,370公尺),科羅拉多排名第5高的高山,坐落在Sawatch Range;此座山的特點是他那崎嶇粗獷的北面斜坡,和它那長達2哩的東北稜經典技術攀岩路線Ellingwood Ridge (為紀念Albert Ellingwood而命名,他是一位洛磯山脈技術攀岩的先驅,也是第一位征服這個山脊的人)。紀錄上首次登頂此山的是The Hayden Survey Team,此探測隊於1873年7月26日首次登頂,同時將此山命名為La Plata。La Plata一辭在西班牙語的意思是「銀」,因為在此區域當年蘊藏很豐富的銀礦而得名。附近的Winfield和Hamilton是20世紀初重要的採礦小鎮,如今已成廢墟鬼城(Ghost town)。
La Plata Peak高聳矗立在Twin Lakes和Independence Pass之間,四面都是陡峭的坡面,只有兩條較寬廣緩坡的山脊通向山頂。一條是Southwest Ridge,登山口在West Winfield Trailhead;另一條是今日一般登山客攻頂的標準傳統路線Northwest Ridge,登山口是La Plata Peak Trailhead,就在CO 82公路旁(距東邊的Balltown 14.5哩,距西邊的Independence Pass 8.8哩)。
此座山我和Goerge、Thomas於2007.07.21一同去攀爬,當天清晨四點由家中出發,取道I-70州際道路西行,到Exit 195改走CO-91南下,經小鎮Leadville匯入US 24續往南行,約17哩後接CO-82西行,途中經過Twin Lakes,再行約約7哩後達登山口。我們在登山口稍作整裝後出發。
The viewpoint along US-24,south 0f Leadville
La Plata from Trailhead
07:00 登山口出發。
South Fork Lake Creek road
沿可通車行的大道South Fork Lake Creek road南下,隨即從South Fork Lake Creek的橋上經過。不久行約1/4哩來到入山登記處,Thomas登記後我們隨即進入森林東行,步道維護得很好。
La Plata trailhead
07:12 又經過一座小橋,橋下是黃濁的South Fork Lake Creek,水勢澎湃,從陡峭的峽谷中穿過,有點「小」峽谷的架勢;
On the bridge across South Fork Lake Creek
過橋後續行約1/3哩,經一原木橋跨越La Plata Gulch,隨即轉向南,一路沿La Plata Gulch上行,路右潺潺流水聲一路相伴。此段路大約在海拔10,400呎到10,700呎之間,整個步道大部份是圓木或石塊築成的石階,坡度有點陡,速度稍微加快便氣喘如牛。
La Plata Gulch
08:10 出森林,路徑轉為平坦,仍在La Plata Gulch中前行。
La Plata trail along La Plata Gulch
La Plata trail along La Plata Gulch
08:22 步道往左上攀離開La Plata Gulch,此時Sayres Benchmark(13ers)出現在山谷遠方盡頭,此地海拔約11,100呎。步道偶而經過碎石坡,沿山坡緩升,離峽谷越來越遠。
Sayres BM from La Plata Gulch
08:35 來到一凹谷地形,步道90度左轉;往上一看是數不清的「之」字形坡道,此地海拔約11,300呎。
Climb away from the gulch with a series of small switchbacks
埋頭往上爬,後頭跟上一群CFI(Colorado Fourteeners Initiative)的義工,約有一、二十人,人人手拿工具要來維修步道,感謝這些義工。
Hiker & wildflower crowded the trail
Looking down the gulch (They are CFI's volunteers)
Mountain gentian(Parry gentian)
08:55 「之」字形坡道頂點,步道轉直,朝南沿山腰緩升,海拔約11,800呎。
I'm the first !
The trail traverses south along the slope
Looking down the gulch
09:16 來到一平坦地形,經此空曠地形後,步道旋即轉左,朝Northwest Ridge陡上,海拔約12,300呎。
At 12,300', The trail crosses this flat area before climbing up to the NW ridge
09:33 抵Northwest Ridge稜線,海拔約12,750呎。
At 12,750' on the ridge view north
The summit seen from 12,800' on the ridge
Heading up to the summit
Elk Thistle
dusky penstemon(whipple penstemon)
Black-tipped Senecio
A ptarmigan alongside the trail in La Plata's northwest
Hiker, too.
Are you OK, Thomas .
Looking down the way we came up.
The terrain near the summit
10:25 來到一處雪原,海拔約13,600呎。從雪原中間穿越上爬。
Through the snowfield
Viewing the remaining route from 13,500'
Through the snowfield
The terrain near the summit
Ellingwood Ridge & Mt. Elbert from La Plata
Looking down the way we came up.
Mountains views from La Plata view to west
11:00 穿越雪原,步道轉右切入La Plata西側坡,朝一高點挺進。
Looking up the point 14,200'
11:25 La Plata西側坡14,200呎高點。步道轉左朝山頂直上。
A point near 14,200' on the west ridge
Ellingwood Ridge as seen from the summit of La Plata
Looking down the way we came up.
Ellingwood Ridge from near La Plata summit
11:36 抵La Plata假山頭,峰頂在不遠處。
False summit
Approaching the summit
11:40 登頂科州第五高峰,海拔14,336呎/4,370公尺。山頂展望佳,在此用餐、照相。
The summit of La Plata peak
On the La Plata's summit
4 14ers. from La Plata summit
Huron Peak & Three Apostles from La Plata summit
Crystal Lake from LaPlata summit
Huron Peak & Three Apostles from La Plata summit
On top, looking over Ellingwood Ridge to Mt. Elbert.
Mountains view from La Plata Peak's summit
12:25 下山
The false summit from the summit
12:31 通過假山頭
13:00 通過大雪原
Hoping among the rocks
Looking down the gulch
La Plata northwest ridge trail
13:30 從Northwest Ridge稜線向左下切。
La Plata northwest ridge trail
La Plata northwest ridge trail
14:12 抵La Plata Gulch
La Plata northwest ridge trail
Red columbine
Blue Flax
Early larkspur
15:10 過South Fork Lake Creek小峽谷上之小橋
On the bridge across South Fork Lake Creek
15:20 抵登山口,整裝回家。
South Fork Lake Creek road