

三度攀登 Grays Peak (2010.08.11)

Grays(L) and Torreys(R) seen from Stevens Gulch         
今天送女兒上班後本打算偕太座帶豆豆和貝貝去走走Guanella Pass,順便攀登Mount Bierstadt (14,060 / 4,285 公尺),當 09:20 抵達Georgetown時才發現Guanella Pass因施工交通管制,必須到11點才開放,臨時更改行程去爬爬另一座14ers--Grays Peak該山我已攀登過兩次(Grays PeakTorreys Peak攀登記)前兩次都是採連登Grays PeakTorreys PeakO形縱走,今天因時間稍晚,打算單攻Grays Peak
Grays Peak傳統路線
Grays Peak海拔高度:14,270/4,350公尺
登山口:Grays Peak Trailhead (Stephens Gulch Trailhead)
爬升高度:3,000 (914公尺)
難度等級:Class 1  
行車指南:從丹佛出發取道I-70州際道路往西行約50哩,由 Bakerville exit (#221) 出交流道,再沿Stevens Gulch Road南行約3哩可抵登山口Stevens Gulch Trailhead但這三哩的小路是粗糙的石子路,最好是性能良好的四傳車或高底盤車較易通行,此趟前往路況較四年前來攀登時要改善許多,也見到部分一般房車開進來。
Parking lot
10:05登山口(海拔11,280/3,438公尺)出發,先過一鐵橋後沿維護良好的寬敞步道緩升,右側是海拔13,164呎的Kelso Mountain,步道就在其山腳下盤旋上升。太座由於不適應高地氣候,我陪他們走數百公尺後便獨自攀登,留下太座和兩個孫子在登山口附近消遙。
Stephens Gulch creek
Kelso Mt. as seen from Stephens Gulch 
Kelso Mt. as seen from Stephens Gulch
11:14 行約1.5哩後抵一登山資訊牌(Information sign),在此西望GraysTorreys雙峰矗立眼前。之後步道變小,偶而要在亂石中跨越前進。
Grays(L) and Torreys(R) seen from Stevens Gulch
Grays seen from Stevens Gulch
11:25 抵傳統步道和Torreys Peak - Kelso Ridge路線分岔,此地海拔12,100/3,688公尺,距登山口約1.75哩。直上是Grays Peak,取右則往Kelso RidgeTorreys,取直上Grays Peak
Torreys Peak from the slopes of Grays

12:18 岔路(海拔13,200/4,023公尺),左上Grays Peak,右往GraysTorreys 鞍部,取左直上Grays Peak
岔路(左往Grays Peak,右往Grays--Torreys 鞍部)
Torreys Peak from the slopes of Grays
約在海拔13,500尺左右遇上兩三群 Mountain Goats,有老有小,有的已換上新衣,有的像是羅衫半解。

半山腰俯瞰 Grays 和 Torreys 間的鞍部
Grays-Torreys saddle

13:20 登頂Grays Peak(海拔14,270/4,350公尺)
On the Grays' summit


Grays Peak 山頂展望佳:
距離不遠的Torreys Peak 就在西北邊,今天時間不夠,放棄攀登。
Torreys, summit from the Grays, summit
Torreys Peak as seen from Grays, summit

遠眺東邊--Mt.Evans & Mt. Bierstadt 兩座14ers在照片正後方。
Mt.Evans & Mt. Bierstadt as seen from Grays' summit 

Chihuahua Lake to the West of Grays Peak
View to West from Grays peak,  Dillon Reservoir can be seen in the distance

另一座14ers--Mt.of the Holy Cross
Looking west from the summit of Grays Peak,Mt.of the Holy Cross is in the distance center.
西南方展望--可遠眺 Mosquito Ranges 的四座14ers--
Quandary PeakMt. Lincoln Mt. Bross  Mt. Democrat
Looking SW to Mosquito Ranges from Grays peak

Looking south from the summit of Grays
北邊展望--遠方是另一座位在洛磯山國家公園的14ers--Longs Peak 和印地安山脈(Indian Peaks)
Looking north from the summit of Grays( Longs Peak & Indian Peaks in the distance)
Looking down Stevens Gulch from Grays Peak
13:40 下山,15:30 返抵登山口。
Hiker on the way
Kelso Mt. as seen from Stephens Gulch
Alpine Sunflower and Moss Campion
Early larkspur(Nelson Larkspur )
Mountain Harebell
Monk's Hood
Arctic Gentian
Mountain gentian
Alpine Sunflower
Moss Campion
Sun Loving Aster Plant
American Pika

