

Mount Sniktau雪地行(2015.10.24)

Me on the summit of Mount Sniktau 1
 Me on the summit of Mount Sniktau 
攀登山岳Mount Sniktau(海拔13,234 呎/4,034 公尺)
登山口Loveland Pass(海拔11,990呎/3,655公尺)
登山里程3.7 哩/5.92公里

Mount Sniktau from I-70 HWY
Mount Sniktau from I-70 HWY

一週來的連日陰雨綿綿,難得今天的大好晴天,本來計畫到Loveland Pass攀登海拔4,093公尺Grizzly Peak,但因繞道Boulder去拍一些艷日下的楓葉耽誤了不少時間,抵達登山口已經十二點多,決定改爬路程較短的Mount SniktauMount Sniktau是位在Loveland Pass山頂東側北邊的一座山頭,海拔13,234 /4,034 公尺,在科羅拉多眾多高山中排名第448名,因為此山沒有困難的地形,路程短,爬升也不高,所以在融雪之後的季節算是一座適合郊遊健行的大眾化路線,蠻受一般遊客的喜愛。
由丹佛沿I-70州際公路西行,在Exit 216出口下交流道,然後行駛US-6 W上山,行約4.4哩抵達Loveland Pass山頂停車場,此為登山口,海拔11,990(3,655公尺)

Loveland Pass' summit
Loveland Pass' summitHiking route of Mount Sniktau


12:20 由公路東側登山口(Loveland Pass)出發上山,積雪蠻多蠻厚的,小心行走。

Up the mountain through the footsteps
Up the mountain through the footsteps
Looking up onto Sniktau-Grizzly ridge from Loveland Pass above 1
Looking up onto Sniktau-Grizzly ridge from Loveland Pass above

A part of the Continental Divide from above Loveland Pass
A part of the Continental Divide from above Loveland Pass
Overlooking south onto Arapahoe Basin Ski Area from Loveland Pass above
Overlooking south onto Arapahoe Basin Ski Area from Loveland Pass above
Overlooking southwest from Loveland Pass above, Quandary, Lincoln et al. 14ers are in the distance
Overlooking southwest from Loveland Pass above, Quandary, Lincoln et al. 14ers are in the distance
Looking down onto Loveland Pass from Point 12,915' below
Looking down onto Loveland Pass from Point 12,915' below
Overlooking down the Loveland Pass from Mount Sniktau ridge
Overlooking down the Loveland Pass from Mount Sniktau ridge

13:20 抵稜線Point 12,915’,海拔12,915(3,937公尺),距登山口約一哩(1.6公里)
The 12,915' Point
The 12,915' Point
Me on the 12,915' Point, in the background is the 13,152' Point
Me on the 12,915' Point, in the background is the 13,152' Point

往右()循稜線走前往攀登Grizzly Peak,路程較遠,本來今天規畫攀登該山,但因先去Boulder拍楓葉耽誤不少時間,決定爬備案的路程較短的Mount Sniktau
Looking southeast onto Grays, Torreys, Grizzly & Cupit from the 12,915' Point 3-1
Looking southeast onto Grays, Torreys, Grizzly & Cupit from the 12,915' Point


Looking north onto 13,152' Point & Sniktau from the 12,915' Point 1
Looking north onto 13,152' Point & Sniktau from the 12,915' Point

The snow is so deep that it reaches up to my leg
The snow is so deep that it reaches up to my leg
Looking back at the 12,915' Point on the way to 13,152' Point
Looking back at the 12,915' Point on the way to 13,152' Point

13:50 登抵13,152呎高地(Point 13,152),海拔13,152(4,009公尺)距登山口約1.4(2.24公里)循之前登山客的足跡由西側腰繞而過。
Point 13,152'
Point 13,152'

腰繞過13,152呎高地後便可見到Mount Sniktau的山頭矗立在北方偏東的不遠處,但中間隔著一處落差約150呎的低鞍,必須先下到低鞍處再爬升約240呎左右才能登頂。
Overlooking northeast onto Sniktau's summit from the 13,152 Point
Overlooking northeast onto Sniktau's summit from the 13,152 Point
Mount Sniktau's summit as seen from point 13,152'
Mount Sniktau's summit as seen from point 13,152'

14:00 下抵13,152呎高地與Mount Sniktau山頂之間的最低鞍,海拔約13,000(3,962公尺),距登山口約1.6(2.56公里)

Looking back at the 13,152' Point from the saddle between Sniktau & 13,152' Point 1
Looking back at the 13,152' Point from the saddle between Sniktau & 13,152' Point (鞍部回望13,152高地)
Snow dimples with Point 13,152' behind it
Snow dimples with Point 13,152' behind it
Snow dimples with Torreys Peak behind it
Snow dimples with Torreys Peak behind it(凸出山頭是距此三哩多、海拔4,349公尺的Torreys Peak)
The final push to the summit of Sniktau from the saddle at 13,002' on the Southwest Ridge 2
The final push to the summit of Sniktau from the saddle at 13,002' on the Southwest Ridge (鞍部北望Sniktau山頂)

Mount Sniktau東面坡是從稜線即垂直下切的懸崖峭壁,西面坡雖然也很陡,但陡坡面與稜線之間尚有一段蠻安全的斜坡,由於積雪很厚,無法判斷積雪底下的地形,所以登山客都將行進路線盡量往下移,遠離稜線以策安全,我很想上到稜線看看稜線下的風光,但最終還是不敢越雷池一步,深怕一步踩空掉到懸崖下去,還是乖乖的跟著足跡前進。

Looking southeast onto Torreys, Grizzly, Cupit & 13,152 Point from Sniktau's summit down below 3
Looking southeast onto Torreys, Grizzly, Cupit & 13,152 Point from Sniktau's summit down below
Looking southwest from the summit of Mount Sniktau down below 1
Looking southwest from the summit of Mount Sniktau down below

14:20 終於登上Mount Sniktau山頂,積雪已將山頂上兩座石頭堆砌的避風角覆蓋住,可想而知積雪有多厚,剛才一度下陷到腰際,所以在雪地裡走路還真需步步小心呢!
Me on the summit of Mount Sniktau 2
Me on the summit of Mount Sniktau

Mount Sniktau標高13,234 (4,034 公尺),登山口到此約1.85(2.96公里);今天是一個禮拜以來難得的好天氣,萬里無雲,陽光普照,山頂風勢也不大,溫度應有四十幾度(華氏)以上,遠眺四週的白茫茫的山景甚為壯觀!
A 180° Panorama from the summit of Mount Sniktau(southwest to northeast) 1
A 180° Panorama from the summit of Mount Sniktau(southwest to northeast)

After seeing Mt. Sniktau countless times from Interstate 70, I could finally look down at the upper Clear Creek valley and Interstate 70 from the summit.
After seeing Mt. Sniktau countless times from Interstate 70, I could finally look down at the upper Clear Creek valley and Interstate 70 from the summit.

東南邊遠眺Mount Evans, Grays & Torreys Peaks等三座14ers,南邊則是另一座本來今天要攀登的13ers~Grizzly Peak以及整個稜線。
Looking northeast to south from the summit of Mount Sniktau
Looking northeast to south from the summit of Mount Sniktau
Looking southeast from the summit of Mount Sniktau 1-1
Looking southeast from the summit of Mount Sniktau
Grays, Torreys, & Grizzly Peaks as seen from the summit of Mount Sniktau 3
Grays, Torreys, & Grizzly Peaks as seen from the summit of Mount Sniktau
The ridge that connects Sniktau & Grizzly from the summit of Mount Sniktau
The ridge that connects Sniktau & Grizzly from the summit of Mount Sniktau
Point 13,152' as seen from the summit of Mount Sniktau
Point 13,152' as seen from the summit of Mount Sniktau

西南邊一直到西邊近處可俯瞰Loveland Pass, I-70州際公路及艾森豪隧道(Eisenhower Tunnels),遠處則可遠眺Quandary PeakMount Lincoln等好幾座14ers
Overlooking down onto Eisenhower Tunnels from the summit of Mount Sniktau 1
Overlooking down onto Eisenhower Tunnels from the summit of Mount Sniktau
Looking southwest from the summit of Mount Sniktau 1-1
Looking southwest from the summit of Mount Sniktau

北邊則是綿延千里的落磯山脈大陸分水嶺數不清的高山,尤其是這兩個禮拜攀登的四座山頭Pettingell, Woods, ParnassusBard就在眼前,還好早一步攀登,現在去就難了,沒雪地登山配備~~
Looking northeast onto Woods, Parnassus & Bard Peak from the summit of Mount Sniktau 1-1
Looking northeast onto Woods, Parnassus & Bard Peak from the summit of Mount Sniktau
Looking north from the summit of Mount Sniktau 4-1
Looking north from the summit of Mount Sniktau
Mount Parnassus & Bard Peak as seen from the summit of Mount Sniktau
Mount Parnassus(L) & Bard Peak(R) as seen from the summit of Mount Sniktau

14:43 賞完景後循原路下山。
15:03 下底最低鞍,往13,152’高地上攀。
15:15 登上13,152呎高地,此次不腰繞直攻山頂賞景。

Me on the Point 13,152'
Me on the Point 13,152'
Overlooking southwest from the 13,152' Point, Quandary, Lincoln et al. 14ers are in the distance
Overlooking southwest from the 13,152' Point, Quandary, Lincoln et al. 14ers are in the distance
Looking southeast onto Grays, Torreys & Grizzly Peak from the 13,152' Point
Looking southeast onto Grays, Torreys & Grizzly Peak from the 13,152' Point

15:25 13,152高地下撤,先下一小段蠻陡又有點難走的亂石坡後續沿雪地往12,915高地移動。
15:45 返抵12,915呎高地,取右沿原路下山。

Hikers on their way down the mountain
Hikers on their way down the mountain

16:20 返抵登山口,來回共四個小時,若沒積雪此山應可在三個半小時內完成。

