

時隔多年再遊Garden of the Gods (2022.07.09)

North Gateway Rock (1)

Garden of the Gods已去過無數次,今年因帶孫子翔翔來美跟表哥表弟敘舊,乃抽出一天帶他去玩玩!

Garden of the Gods 位處丹佛(Denver)南邊約70哩之科羅拉多洲第二大城Colorado Springs(科泉市)西郊約3哩的地方,面積約3300英畝,園内遍佈的紅色沙岩形成於約32千萬年前,怪石林立,使人有一種降臨火星的感覺。

Garden of the Gods原屬一個名叫Charles Elliott Perkins的私人產業,但他有鑑於此寶貴的自然景觀,所以一直未在該地做任何的建設,並且免費開放為公眾公園。Charles Elliott Perkins1907年去世,其子女為賡續父願,更將該片土地於1909年捐獻給科泉市政府,並作為永久免費開放之公園。


兩大座紅色砂岩是Garden of the Gods的天然大門,共分南、北兩座。數百英尺的高度聳立於平原上,引導遊客進入公園內部。

North Gateway Rock (1)

North Gateway Rock 

North Gateway Rock (2)

North Gateway Rock (3)

North Gateway Rock (4)

North Gateway Rock (5)

North Gateway Rock (6)

North Gateway Rock 

Old Rocking Chair

Old Rocking Chair

South Gateway Rock(Old Rocking Chair & Gray Rock) (2)

South Gateway Rock(Old Rocking Chair & Gray Rock) (3)

South Gateway Rock(Old Rocking Chair & Gray Rock) (4)

South Gateway Rock 

White rock 1

White rock 


The Kissing Camels 

Kissing Camels

The Kissing Camels

The Kissing Camels位在 North Gateway Rock的最頂端. 當然它的形成傳說又是一段悱惻纏綿的愛情悲劇。


一對分屬於敵對狀態不同族人的部落年輕戀人 Alpha Omega,有一天他們正手挽著手時被族人逮住,他們被帶到North Gateway Rock的頂端,以兩堆分開的柴火將這一對戀人處以火刑;第二天天亮,當陽光照在North Gateway Rock被火燻黑的峭壁頂端時,族人們發現兩頭下跪的駱駝,他們的唇緊緊的親在一起,好似宣示著永不分離的愛的親吻。

The Kissing Camels (1)

The Kissing Camels (2)

The Kissing Camels 

The Kissing Camels一般是由遊客中心或由東往西看;若是由西往東看另有人則說是"老鷹和松鼠接吻""鴿子和松鼠接吻",仔細瞧還真比駱駝像呢,但可能很難再編一個比駱駝傳說更動人心弦的故事吧!

The Kissing Camels

The Kissing Camels (由西往東看)

Garden of the Gods (1)

Garden of the Gods

Weeping Indian”或“The Crying Indian

“Weeping Indian”或“The Crying Indian” (1)

“Weeping Indian”或“The Crying Indian” (2)

“Weeping Indian”或“The Crying Indian” 

這是Garden of the GodsSouth Gateway Rock西向景觀,在大片紅砂岩巨石的中央白色部分的左上方稱之為“Weeping Indian”或"The Crying Indian",聽說尤其在下雨天看起來真像一位哭泣的印第安人頭。

Cathedral Spires (M)&Three Graces(R) 1

Cathedral Spires (M)&Three Graces(R) 


The Bear and the Seal 

The Bear and the Seal (1)

The Bear and the Seal 

The Bear and the Seal 位在公園中央地區的Three Graces Rock 頂端;最早是一隻熊()和一隻海豹()對望(如黑白照片),有人說,此造型最初被一位叫作William E. Pabor的人命名為“Seal Making Love to a Nun(海豹向一位修女?示愛)”,William E. Pabor原是Colorado Springs Company 的要員也是早期開發Pikes Peak 地區的推展者,由於他的不適當命名帶給他極大的麻煩,導致他提早離開該地區。 

由於當初任何馬車路線要進入此公園都能清楚看見此景點,The Bear and the Seal 成為早期該園非常有名的景點;當初的導遊都會說:看那兒,the bear and the seal,那隻熊看似很悠閒,而那隻海豹正用力的向上游以接近牠的夥伴! The Bear and the Seal (2)


早期之 The Bear and the Seal

早期之 The Bear and the Seal

The three Graces 

Three Graces (3)


The three Graces意指希臘神話裡的三位高雅女神(或稱優雅女神,美姿女神,美惠女神),通常高雅女神都是三位一起出現,很少分開,三位女神分別名為:

(1). Aglaia(阿葛萊雅):代表光榮

(2). Euphrosyne(攸芙洛席):代表歡樂

(3). Thalia(泰莉亞):代表愉悅。

Three Graces (2)

Three Graces (1)

Garden of the Gods (2)

Three Graces (4)

Three Graces (5)

Three Graces

Cathedral Spires

The Three Graces 的右邊另有一處三、四座大岩塊就是稱之為大教堂頂峰的Cathedral Spires,此Cathedral Spires 又被稱為Montezuma's Temple 遺址,一般攀岩者則慣稱此處岩塊最高的尖峰為Montezuma's Tower;此Montezuma's Tower的北面瘦稜是很有名的攀岩路線。

Cathedral Spires

Cathedral Spires

Cathedral Spires (R)&Three Graces(L)

Cathedral Spires (R)&Three Graces

Garden of the Gods (3)

Garden of the Gods (4)

Garden of the Gods (5)

Garden of the Gods (6)

Garden of the Gods (7)

Garden of the Gods (8)

Garden of the Gods (9)

Garden of the Gods (10)

Garden of the Gods (11)

Garden of the Gods 

Garden of the Gods (13)

Garden of the Gods (12)

Garden of the Gods 

Balanced Rock & Steamboat Rock

位在Garden of the Gods(Colorado Springs)公園內;此平衡石估計有700噸重,聽說在早期若遇較大的風暴就會搖動,當時一些載客的馬車伕經過此石時常會對遊客說,這顆巨石會隨著大風而轉動,當你明年回來時你會看到巨石的另外一面;現在市政單位已在巨石底部以水泥補強固定,已穩定這顆巨岩。

Balanced Rock (R) & Steamboat Rock (L) (3)

Balanced Rock (R) & Steamboat Rock (L) (2)

Balanced Rock (R) & Steamboat Rock (L) (1)

Balanced Rock (R) & Steamboat Rock (L) 

Balanced Rock (7)

Balanced Rock (8)

Balanced Rock (9)

Balanced Rock (1)

Balanced Rock (2)

Balanced Rock (3)

Balanced Rock (4)

Balanced Rock (5)

Balanced Rock (6)

Balanced Rock 

