

攀登Chicago Lakes Trail(2014.08.16)

Chicago Lakes位在Mount Evans Wilderness 區內Summit Lake下方的Chicago Creek山谷中;Mount Evans和其山腳下的Summit Lake經常去,每每走到Summit Lake北堤向北俯瞰Chicago Creek Valley時,只見腳底下的上、下兩個Chicago Lake以及遠方的Idaho Springs Reservoir就如藍寶石般的嵌在那深邃的山谷中,可惜一直未登臨該區域去就近一親芳澤,昨天利用一大好天氣特地去攀登,全程來回包括在湖邊糜爛兩小時共費了近八小時,美好的一趟登山行程。


Looking into the Chicago Creek basin from the Summit Lake 

登山口:Echo Lake (海拔10,600 /3,231公尺)
攀登湖泊:Idaho Springs Reservoir (10,617/3,236公尺)
                        Lower Chicago Lake (11,545/3,519公尺)
                        Upper Chicago Lake (11,733/3,576公尺)

科羅拉多丹佛(Denver)開車沿I-70州際公路西行,約30哩後在Idaho SpringsExit 240出口左轉西南行即為Mount Evans Scenic Byway(CO 103)公路,沿CO 103公路行約12.6哩在Echo Lake前右轉往Echo Lake Park0.3哩後抵停車場停車;或將車停放Echo Lake之前的CO 103公路路邊。
07:10 停車場登山口出發,海拔10,600 (3,231公尺),行小段路到Echo Lake西岸,沿西岸南行。

Echo Lake

07:16 Chicago Lakes TrailEcho Lake Trail岔路,取右沿Chicago Lakes Trail南行。
07:18 稍高點有一“Chicago Lks Trail No.52木牌,越過此標示步道開始在稜線西側沿著山腰朝南往Chicago Creek下切,沿途透空處北望落磯山脈大陸分水嶺James PeakIndian Peaks等山脈;

View of the Continental Divide from the trail down to the Chicago Creek Basin

南眺Chicago Creek山谷及矗立在山谷盡頭的Mount EvansMount SpaldingGray Wolf Mountain等高山,今天的目標Upper Chicago Lake就座落在山谷盡頭的山腳下。

View just past Echo Lake, the start of the Chicago Lakes Trail

遠眺完南、北山岳後步道開始轉為較陡的“之”字形下坡直切Chicago Creek山谷。

The trail down to the basin

07:50 下抵Chicago Creek山谷,由橫跨在Chicago Creek上之原木橋渡過到西岸,此處海拔約10,342(3,152公尺),距登山口約1.1哩;

Crossing Chicago Creek


Shortly after crossing the creek, turn left and follw the road

08:05 抵達Idaho Springs Reservoir,海拔約10,617(3,236公尺),距登山口約1.65哩;

Idaho Springs Reservoir

此水庫可釣魚,但門口有一“Catch & Release Only”警示牌,意思是在此釣魚不得將釣得的魚帶回家,釣起的魚應立即放回水庫,所以水庫裡的魚是專供釣客玩弄、虐待用的。

Idaho Springs Reservoir

08:20 沿著水庫西岸行到底經過兩棟木屋即抵達Mt. Evans Wilderness Area Boundary,海拔約10,652(3,247公尺),距登山口約2.05哩,自行登記後沿步道上行,小緩坡。

Two cabins at the upper end of the reservoir

Entering the Mount Evans Wilderness

Looking up at the east wall to the valley

Trail segment through an open meadow

Hikers on their way to Chicago Lakes

08:27 步道右側山坡是一片在1978年一場森林大火焚毀的殘跡,該場大火燒毀了400英畝的森林。

The remains of the 1978 Idaho Springs fire

此後步道便一路在災後殘跡邊緣緩升,偶而從林梢透空處南眺山谷盡頭的Mount Evans等山,步道兩旁野花還蠻多的。

The remains of the 1978 Idaho Springs fire

Chicago Lakes Trail

Mount Evans from Chicago Lakes Trail

Mountain gentian(Parry gentian)


Nodding Groundsel

09:09 經過一小溪流,從幾根木頭及墊腳石踏過。

Elephant Head Flower

The final approach to the lower lake

09:30 Lower Chicago Lake岔路,海拔11,545(3,519公尺),距登山口約3.95哩。

Lower Chicago Lake岔路

The trail the first lake beside this unnamed 13,307' peak

取左穿過Willow樹叢下到lower Chicago Lake湖邊拍照後循原路回到Chicago Lakes Trail

Looking down upon lower Chicago Lake from the trail

Lower Chicago Lake

09:50 回抵lower Chicago Lake岔路取左往upper Chicago Lake,不久步道經過巨石區;

Large boulders along the trail below Upper Chicago Lake

鑽過巨石區後開始朝upper Chicago Lake北岸陡峭岩壁爬升,距離不長,但是此行程最陡峭路段。

Chicago Lakes Trail

10:14 有一明顯左岔路下抵Lower Chicago Lake的入水口,由此下Lower Chicago Lake應比較好走,且有小瀑布可看。

Looking down upon lower Chicago Lake from the trail

Blue Columbine

10:25 爬上Upper Chicago Lake北岸陡峭岩壁後即抵達Upper Chicago Lake,海拔約11,733(3,576公尺),距登山口約4.9哩。

Upper Chicago Lake and Mount Spalding (13,842')

Unnamed 13,307' peak

Upper Chicago Lake正位在Mount Evans山腳下的Summit Lake下方,Summit Lake海拔12,830(3,911公尺),由Upper Chicago Lake東南岸陡峭的山壁(Mount Warren西面山坡)可登上Summit Lake,進而攀登海拔14,264(4,348公尺)Mount Evans,但此路現陡峭、無明顯路跡,攀爬不易;我環湖一周後便在湖邊午餐,徹底放鬆一兩個小時。
Upper Chicago Lake, looking south

At Upper Chicago Lake, looking south

Upper Chicago Lake, looking north

Looking down upon lower Chicago Lake from the outlet of upper Chicago Lake

Looking down upon lower Chicago Lake from the outlet of upper Chicago Lake

Bighorn sheep

12:30 下山。
14:05 返抵Idaho Springs Reservoir
14:24 Chicago Creek後開始爬坡。
15:00 返抵Echo Lake登山口。

行車路線圖:(DenverEcho Lake)



攀登Indian Peaks Wilderness Area最高湖泊Lake Dorothy(2014.08.12)

Lake Dorothy below Mt. Neva from North Arapaho Peak's summit
豆豆和貝貝的暑假即將結束,下週他倆就將陸續開學,今天就帶他們到EldoraFourth of July Trailhead去走走Lake Dorothy
Fourth of July Trailhead已去過不計其數,大多數是帶孩子們去攀登Diamond Lake,而今天要走的Arapaho Pass Trail我也走過兩次,主要是去攀登South & North Arapaho Peak,所以路況已非常熟悉。

Mount Neva(R) & Jasper Peak (L) from South Arapaho Peak's summit; Lake Dorothy is at the right

攀登湖泊:Lake Dorothy(海拔12,061/3,672公尺)
登山口:Fourth of July Trailhead(海拔10,172/3,100公尺)

Fourth of July Trailhead
西元187274一位C.C. Alvord者發現在Middle Boulder Creek的北支流地區蘊藏有銀礦,因而在此成立名為“Fourth of July”的礦場,營運幾年後由於礦場是建立在Middle Boulder Creek的北支流上方河邊,為了處理滲水及排水而增加採礦成本,因之拖垮了礦場利潤,終在1880年關廠;二十年後,新的一批合夥人試圖從礦區改採銅礦,但後來還是沒有成功,時至今日礦區僅遺留幾具生鏽的機具和廢墟供人憑弔。
現在的Arapaho Pass Trail就是當年“Fourth of July Mine”的通道,登山口因此以“Fourth of July”來命名。

由小城Boulder沿CO 119公路西行往Nederland,到Nederland之後轉往南沿CO 119(CO 72Peak To Peak )0.5哩右轉,沿County Road 130往小鎮Eldora,過Eldora後再走約5哩的石子路,路盡頭即為Fourth of July Trailhead,備有停車場及廁所。
10:50 登山口出發,循Arapaho Pass Trail上行;海拔10,172/3,100公尺

Fourth of July Trailhead

Arapaho Pass Trail

Mountain view from Arapaho Pass Trail

Mountain view from Arapaho Pass Trail

Arapaho Pass Trail

11:33 經過小溪形成的小瀑,水量比起一個多月前來時小得多了!

Matthew & Jacob crossing a waterfall stream on the Arapaho Pass trail

Mountain Harebell

Wildflowers along the trail

11:40 抵達Diamond Lake Trail岔路,海拔約10,750(3,277公尺),距登山口1.15哩;左往Diamond Lake Trail不取,右彎續走Arapaho Pass Trail

The trail is well- marked Follow the signs for Arapaho Pass


Wildflowers along the trail

12:00 抵達一開闊展望點,視野極佳,此點已接近稜線。

This viewpoint is beside the trail near the flat ridge

Matthew & Jacob at the viewpoint

Matthew & I at the viewpoint

Jacob & I at the viewpoint

12:12 步道抵達較為平緩的稜線,海拔約11,100 (3,383公尺),距登山口約1.5 哩;此後步道趨於平緩且有開闊、極佳視野的展望。

Damp, open areas near the Arapaho Glacier Trail split

Jacob at the flat ridge

I'm at the flat ridge

Mountain view from Arapahoe Pass Trail

South Arapaho Peak from Arapaho Pass Trail

12:30 抵達Arapaho Glacier Trail岔路,海拔11,200(3,414公尺)距登山口約2.05哩;

Arapaho Pass Trail and junction with trail leading to Arapaho Glacier Overlook

右轉為Arapaho Glacier TrailSouth & North Arapaho Peak,取直行續往Arapaho Pass Trail,前行不遠右側有一處“Fourth of July Mine”礦場遺址(海拔11,250),該礦場在1870年代是以開採銀礦為主,現在僅留下一兩具大機具供人憑弔;參觀後再切回Arapaho Pass Trail

The abandoned Fourth of July Mine

Jacob at the Fourth of July Mine ruins

I'm at the Fourth of July Mine ruins

Matthew at the Fourth of July Mine ruins

Jacob & I at the Fourth of July Mine ruins

The upper valley is crossed by snow fed streams and tarns

12:50 進入石子路路段,雖然是亂石,但步道整理得平整寬闊,坡度是緩坡上升。

Arapaho Pass Trail

Looking down the valley that we came from

13:00 本想到Lake Dorothy再用餐,但貝貝餓得有點走不動,只好停下來用餐;看貝貝那副狼吞虎嚥的模樣,既好笑又不捨。

13:30抵達Caribou Pass TrailArapaho Pass Trail 岔路,海拔11,906/3,629公尺,距登山口約3.2 哩,此處是一鞍部,也是大陸分水嶺(Continental Divide)

Arapaho Pass

Matthew, Jacob & I at the Arapaho Pass

Indian Peaks from Arapaho Pass

右往Arapaho Pass Trail,直行Caribou Pass Trail,取直行一段路後即轉為西行朝Lake Dorothy前進,Lake Dorothy位在Mount Neva及其向北延伸稜線山腳下,鞍部的西邊山腳下是Caribou Lake

Mount Neva & Lake Dorothy from Arapaho Pass

Caribou Lake & Satanta Peak seen from Arapaho Pass

13:55抵達Lake Dorothy,海拔12,061/3,672公尺,距登山口約3.65 哩,此湖是Indian Peaks Wilderness範圍內有命名的湖泊中海拔最高的湖泊,正好位在離大陸分水嶺(Continental Divide)不遠的Mount Neva山腳下的凹谷裡,如同一般高山湖般,湖水冰冷湛藍,湖中的鱒魚(Trout)是釣客的最愛

Lake Dorothy

At 12,061' Lake Dorothy is the highest named lake in the Indian Peaks

14:35 循原路下山。
14:50 回到Arapaho Pass 岔路口,取右下山。

Elephant Head Flower

This tree is hidden behind the rock; the wind is coming from the right, the tree's branches grow to the left.

16:50 返抵登山口,計費時6小時。

Jacob came back to the trailhead

行車路線圖(Boulder→Fourth of July Trailhead):




Hell's Hole Trail登山健行(2014.08.11)

Bristlecone pine on the Hells Hole
Hell’s Hole Trail登山口位在Idaho Springs 西南邊約10哩處的West Chicago Creek Campground旁,步道全長約4.1哩,爬升高度約2000(610公尺)左右,算是一條蠻平易近人的登山步道;步道前段一哩左右是白楊木(Aspen)林,中段兩哩多則在松林間穿行,後段不到一哩路則是漫遊在Gray Wolf Mountain山腳下的河谷中,步道終點是一大片草原及柳樹叢(Willow grove),終點附近西側山坡有一片Bristlecone pines,東側河谷則有一稱為Hells Hole Tarn的河中小湖,看地圖真正的Hells Hole應該是介於Gray Wolf Mountain12,988峰間的山谷,但因該處無步道抵達,所以一般登山客都只抵達步道終點處的大草原。

登山步道:Hell’s Hole Trail
登山口:Hell’s Hole Trailhead(海拔9,700呎/2,957公尺)
步道終點:Hell’s Hole tarn(海拔11,572呎/3,527公尺)

科羅拉多丹佛(Denver)開車沿I-70州際公路西行,約30哩後在Idaho Springs由Exit 240出口左轉西南行即為Mount Evans Scenic Byway(CO 103)公路,沿CO 103公路行約6.5哩後在一急左轉彎處右岔改走West Chicago Creek Road,此路為有點顛簸之土石路,約3哩後抵達West Chicago Creek Campground旁的行車終點停車場,此為Hell’s Hole Trailhead停車場。

Sugarloft Peak  as seen from West Chicago Creek Road

10:00 登山口出發,一開始是經過松林夾雜著白楊木的平緩地形,然後穿越兩三處露營地後步道開始在松林間爬升。

Hells Hole trailhead

10:13 抵達一登山客進入Mount Evans Wilderness領域登記處(自助式),填寫資料投入下方鐵盒後續行;

Permit station


Into the Aspen Grove

10:30 經過小溪,兩根大樹幹為橋,距登山口約0.45哩,步道開始變陡。
10:48 經過界牌,進入“Mount Evans Wilderness”範圍,距登山口約0.95哩,此地已脫離白楊木林範圍進入松林區。

The Wilderness Boundary

10:58 上抵稜線,林間透空處西眺Sugarloft Peak那金字塔狀山頂。

Sugarloaf Peak as seen from West Chicago Creek

Out of the Woods

11:40 一開闊處東南眺Gray Wolf Mountain;

Gray Wolf Mountain as seen from West Chicago Creek Trail

Gray Wolf Mountain(L) as seen from West Chicago Creek Trail

Hells Hole trail 開闊處展望


Gray Wolf Mountain as seen from West Chicago Creek Trail

Mountain gentian(Parry gentian)

Indian Paintbrush

Wildflowers along the trail

12:16 步道抵達Gray Wolf Mountain西邊12,988峰下West Chicago Creek河谷,河谷是寬平的大片Willow樹叢,步道繼續在Willow樹叢西側邊緣南行。

Hells Hole trail

Hells Hole(左後為Gray Wolf Mountain ,中為12,988峰,右為12,959峰)

Hells Hole trail

Hells Hole trail (中為12,988)

Hells Hole Trail (左後為Gray Wolf Mountain ,中為12,988峰,右為12,959峰)

Hells Hole trail

Heading Back

Hells Hole

12:22 步道右側出現Bristlecone pine,這些生長在美國西南部的松樹叫作Bristlecone pines,其果有針刺,出現在Mount Evans Wilderness範圍內的Bristlecone pine樹齡介於1500 – 2500年之間;而兩個月前到內華達州(Nevada)大盆地國家公園(Great Basin National Park)所見的Bristlecone pines樹齡更高達5000年以上。

Bristlecone pines grove

12:30 抵達Hells Hole Tarn,雖然名為“Tarn”(山中小湖),但那乾涸的河床、看不出小湖的模樣!

Hells Hole Tarn

路右幾棵Bristlecone pine造型特殊;距登山口約4.0哩。

Bristlecone pine

Hells Hole trail

12:35 抵一片草原,登山步道終點,距登山口約4.1哩;再往前則是大片Willow樹叢阻路,在此遇到三位丹佛來的登山客;在此用中餐。

End of the Eells Hole Trail

End of the Trail

End of the Trail

13:00 用完餐開始在幾棵Bristlecone pines間拍些照片,並下去已乾涸的河中小湖Hells Hole Tarn逛逛後下山。


Hells Hole Tarn

Hells Hole Tarn 

Elephant Head flowers

Elephant Head flowers at the basin

15:30 回到登山口,全程含休息計費時5小時30分。

Blue columbine

★    行車路線圖(DenverHells Hole Trailhead)

★    點此看放大圖