

Chicago Lakes Trail Hike (2022.10.22)

Looking into the Chicago Creek basin from the Summit Lake (2)

Looking into the Chicago Creek basin from the Summit Lake 

Chicago Lakes位在Mount Evans Wilderness 區內Summit Lake下方的Chicago Creek山谷中;Mount Evans和其山腳下的Summit Lake經常去,每每走到Summit Lake北堤向北俯瞰Chicago Creek Valley時,只見腳底下的上、下兩個Chicago Lake以及遠方的Idaho Springs Reservoir就如藍寶石般的嵌在那深邃的山谷中;該步道我在2014年曾去走過,前天登山隊安排走該步道,讓我有一次舊地重遊的機會!


攀登湖泊Idaho Springs Reservoir (10,627/3,239公尺)

          Lower Chicago Lake (11,421/3,481公尺)

          Upper Chicago Lake (11,762/3,588公尺)

登山口Echo Lake (海拔10,600 /3,231公尺)






從丹佛(Denver)開車沿I-70州際公路西行,約30哩後在Idaho SpringsExit 240出口下交流道後左轉西南行即為Mount Evans Scenic Byway(CO 103)公路,沿CO 103公路行約12.6哩在Echo Lake前右轉往Echo Lake Park0.3哩後抵停車場停車,座標N39° 39' 32.9" W105° 36' 22.6",海拔10,577/3,224公尺;或將車停放Echo Lake之前的CO 103公路路邊。


08:31 停車場登山口出發,座標N39° 39' 33.3" W105° 36' 22.7",海拔10,584/3,226公尺;行小段路到Echo Lake西岸,沿西岸南行,隨即遇Chicago Lakes TrailEcho Lake Trail岔路,取右沿Chicago Lakes Trail南行。

Echo Lake (1)

Echo Lake (2)

Echo Lake (3)

Echo Lake


08:46 稍高點有一“Chicago Lakes Trail No.52”木牌,越過此標示步道開始在稜線西側沿著山腰朝南往Chicago Creek下切,沿途透空處北望落磯山脈大陸分水嶺James PeakIndian Peaks等山脈;

View of the Continental Divide from the trail down to the Chicago Creek Basin (1)

View of the Continental Divide from the trail down to the Chicago Creek Basin (2)

View of the Continental Divide from the trail down to the Chicago Creek Basin (3)

View of the Continental Divide from the trail down to the Chicago Creek Basin 


南眺Chicago Creek山谷及矗立在山谷盡頭的Mount EvansMount SpaldingGray Wolf Mountain等高山,今天的目標Upper Chicago Lake就座落在山谷盡頭的山腳下。

View of the Mount Evans massif from the trail down to the Chicago Creek Basin

View of the Mount Evans massif from the trail down to the Chicago Creek Basin


遠眺完南、北山岳後步道開始轉為較陡的“之”字形下坡直切Chicago Creek山谷。

The trail down to the basin

The trail down to the basin


09:50 下抵Chicago Creek山谷,在Chicago Creek河邊等候山友半小時後由橫跨在Chicago Creek上之原木橋渡過到西岸,此處海拔約10,325/3,147公尺,距登山口約1.18/1.9公里;

Crossing Chicago Creek

Crossing Chicago Creek



Shortly after crossing the creek, turn left and follw the road

Shortly after crossing the creek, turn left and follw the road


10:05 抵達Idaho Springs Reservoir,座標N39° 38' 23.6" W105° 37' 00.5",海拔約10,673/3,253公尺,距登山口約1.8/2.9公里;

Idaho Springs Reservoir (1)

Idaho Springs Reservoir (4)

Idaho Springs Reservoir 


此水庫可釣魚,但門口有一“Catch & Release Only”警示牌,意思是在此釣魚不得將釣得的魚帶回家,釣起的魚應立即放回水庫,所以水庫裡的魚是專供釣客玩弄、虐待用的。

Idaho Springs Reservoir (2)

Idaho Springs Reservoir (3)

Idaho Springs Reservoir (5)

Idaho Springs Reservoir (6)

Idaho Springs Reservoir 


10:20 沿著水庫西岸行到底經過兩棟木屋即抵達Mt. Evans Wilderness Area Boundary,座標N39° 38' 23.6" W105° 37' 00.5",海拔約10,673/3,253公尺,距登山口約2.3/3.7公里;

Two cabins at the upper end of the reservoir

Two cabins at the upper end of the reservoir

Entering the Mount Evans Wilderness

Entering the Mount Evans Wilderness



Chicago Lakes Trail (1)

Chicago Lakes Trail (2)

Chicago Lakes Trail 


10:25 步道右側山坡是一片在1978年一場森林大火焚毀的殘跡,該場大火燒毀了400英畝的森林。

The remains of the 1978 Idaho Springs fire

The remains of the 1978 Idaho Springs fire

Trail segment through an open meadow

Trail segment through an open meadow


此後步道便一路在災後殘跡邊緣緩升,偶而從林梢透空處南眺山谷盡頭的Mount Evans等山頭。

10:30 路旁又立有兩面Mt. Evans Wilderness 的界牌,步道繼續朝西南爬升。

Mt. Evans Wilderness Area Boundary

Mt. Evans Wilderness Area Boundary

Chicago Lakes Trail (3)

Chicago Lakes Trail (4)

Chicago Lakes Trail (5)

Chicago Lakes Trail 

Mount Evans from Chicago Lakes Trail

Mount Evans from Chicago Lakes Trail


11:14 經過一小溪流,從幾根木頭及墊腳石踏過。

Stream crossing

Stream crossing

Chicago Lakes Trail (10)

Chicago Lakes Trail (11)

Chicago Lakes Trail (6)

Chicago Lakes Trail 


11:36 Lower Chicago Lake岔路,座標N39° 37' 10.9" W105° 38' 08.2",海拔約11,552/3,521公尺,距登山口約4.23/6.8公里;取右先往Upper Chicago Lake直行;此後有幾處左岔往Lower Chicago Lake均不取。

Looking down upon lower Chicago Lake from the trail (1)

Looking down upon lower Chicago Lake from the trail

Chicago Lakes Trail (7)

Chicago Lakes Trail 



Chicago Lakes Trail (8)

Chicago Lakes Trail 


鑽過巨石區後開始朝upper Chicago Lake北岸陡峭岩壁爬升,距離不長,但是此行程最陡峭路段。

Chicago Lakes Trail (9)

Chicago Lakes Trail 

Looking down upon lower Chicago Lake from the trail (2)

Looking down upon lower Chicago Lake from the trail


爬坡途中有一明顯左岔路下抵Lower Chicago Lake的入水口,記錄中由此下Lower Chicago Lake比較好走,且有小瀑布可看。

Looking down upon lower Chicago Lake from the trail (3)

Looking down upon lower Chicago Lake from the trail (4)

Looking down upon lower Chicago Lake from the trail

Steep rocky terrain segment (2)

Steep rocky terrain segment (1)

Steep rocky terrain segment 


12:10 爬上Upper Chicago Lake北岸陡峭岩壁後即抵達Upper Chicago Lake,海拔約11,762/3,588公尺,距登山口約4.85/7.8公里。

Upper Chicago Lake (1)

Upper Chicago Lake


Upper Chicago Lake正位在Mount Evans山腳下的Summit Lake下方,Summit Lake海拔12,830/3,911公尺,由Upper Chicago Lake東南岸陡峭的山壁(Mount Warren西面山坡)可登上Summit Lake,進而攀登海拔14,264/4,348公尺的Mount Evans,但此路徑有點陡峭,攀爬不易;

Upper Chicago Lake (3)

Upper Chicago Lake (2)

Upper Chicago Lake 


Upper Chicago Lak北岸可俯瞰Lower Chicago Lake,但最佳俯瞰點是在越過Upper Chicago Lak出水口往東北走約80公尺到達岩壁上端,由此處俯瞰Lower Chicago Lake可完整地看到正Lower Chicago Lake,此處座標N39° 36' 45.7" W105° 38' 13.3"

Looking down upon lower Chicago Lake from the outlet of upper Chicago Lake (1)

Looking down upon lower Chicago Lake from the outlet of upper Chicago Lake (2)

Looking down upon lower Chicago Lake from the outlet of upper Chicago Lake (3)

Looking down upon lower Chicago Lake from the outlet of upper Chicago Lake (4)

Looking down upon lower Chicago Lake from the outlet of upper Chicago Lake


湖邊風大,我和山友在Lower Chicago Lake俯瞰點避風處休息用餐。

12:57 循原路下山。

13:07 告別山友獨自下切往Lower Chicago Lake,下切點座標N39° 36' 57.9" W105° 38' 14.5",海拔11,519/3,511公尺。

13:10 下抵Lower Chicago Lake西岸,然後沿Lower Chicago Lake西岸朝東北行,岸邊多處willow要穿越,不是很好走。

Lower Chicago Lake (2)

Lower Chicago Lake (1)

Lower Chicago Lake (3)

Lower Chicago Lake 


13:23 抵達Lower Chicago Lake出水口一座小潭,潭面已部分結冰;

Small pond at Lower Chicago Lake outlet

Small pond at Lower Chicago Lake outlet



13:41 接回Chica Lakes Trail右轉沿步道下山。

15:00 下抵Chicago Creek,過橋後開始上坡爬升。

15:48 返抵Echo Lake登山口停車場,整裝後開車返家。


AlltrailsChicago Lakes Trail(2022.10.22)