怡如和豆豆星期六參加一年一度得科州華人基督徒聯合春令退休會(Colorado Chinese Christian Joint Retreat),為期三天,地點如同往年在Eastes Park Center/ YMCA of the Rockies;今年主要講員是遠從台灣來的東海大學簡春安教授。往年我們如果在美也都會參加,今年因為女婿子峰母親於週二剛剛來美,時差還未調整過來,所以僅由怡如母子二人參加。昨天(週日)子峰想到會場參加週日上午的主日聯合聖餐崇拜,我們也一起前往,順便利用下午走走落磯山國家公園。
Estes Park Center--YMCA of the Rockies位在落磯山國家公園東入口的小鎮Estes Park上,是一處規模極大的會議、活動、住宿等多用途場所,約可提供上千人活動住宿之用,這一兩年設備又增加了不少。
YMCA of the Rockies
YMCA of the Rockies
Twin Sisters Mountain from YMCA(Rockies)
Outdoor fireplace
Mummy Range from YMCA(Rockies)
Mummy Range from YMCA(Rockies)
Mummy Range from YMCA(Rockies)
Rocky Mountain from YMCA(Rockies)
Mummy Range from YMCA(Rockies)
Mummy Range from YMCA(Rockies)
Miniature Golf
Miniature Golf
Longs Peak from YMCA(Rockies)
Longs Peak from YMCA(Rockies)
Jacob in YMCA of the Rockies
Jacob in YMCA of the Rockies
Jacob in YMCA of the Rockies
Jacob in YMCA of the Rockies
下午是春令退休會的自由活動時間,我們特地進去落磯山國家公園走走,由於Trail Ridge Road尚未全部通車,我們只到Bear Lake走走。前一兩週連日的風雪使得Bear Lake仍處於冰凍期,湖岸的環湖步道積雪至少還有數公尺,連幾公尺高的標示牌被雪覆蓋了僅露出數十公分,停車場候車室後的小屋也還都深埋在積雪下,僅露出屋頂及一小節的窗子頗顯無奈!整個湖面更不用說是雪白一片的冰凍,距全面融雪完可有得等了,今年可真是寒冷的一年!(下午孩子們從Estes Park Center下山時還下起雪來,夏天下雪,夠稀奇了吧!)
The cottage still in the snow
Longs Peak from Bear lake road
Longs Peak from Bear Lake parking lot
Jacob stands on the Bear lake
Jacob hiking to Bear Lake
Deer in Rockies
Bear Lake parking lot
Bear Lake loop trail
Bear Lake loop trail
Bear Lake loop trail
Bear Lake
Bear Lake
Bear Lake
Bear Lake
Bear Lake