

2013賞白楊木 (aspen)之旅--Kenosha Pass (一)-- 9/28 葉子變色中

Aspen in Fall at Kenosha Pass (14)
Kenosha Pass 位在丹佛西南方,Jefferson小鎮的東北方;US 285公路在JeffersonGrant路段環繞著Kenosha Pass,成為North Fork South Platte River山谷和South Platte River河源上游的通道。此隘口以前是印第安人到South Park打獵必經的路線,19世紀成為白人越過Front Range的道路,在1860科州採金礦熱潮期間,許多探礦者經這路線到South Platte河源上游的金礦區及其他South Park採礦區,交通的繁忙促使這條小道拓寬成為大道,在科州採銀礦熱潮時,此隘口變成移民者進入Leadville, Breckenridge, Aspen的主要道路之一。

Kenosha Pass最高點海拔10,000(3048公尺)Colorado Trail (#1776)由此穿過,在此點有一露營地,大部分車輛皆可通過此隘口,是丹佛近郊最佳的賞白楊樹地點,每年的九月底遊客絡繹不絕;今年可能由於氣候炎熱,白楊木葉子轉黃時間比往年晚了一個多星期,葉況也比去年來得亮眼、光滑、圓潤。
往年來此賞白楊除了欣賞停車場附近白楊木外,最常走的步道就是Colorado Trail;今年則發現一處更佳賞白楊地點,就是從停車場往東走,一、二十分鐘後越過Kenosha Creek往山上走,途中越過兩處透空處,展望都很好;近一小時上抵第三透空處,俯瞰Kenosha Pass全景,西眺Sawatch 山脈和 Mosquito山麥積雪山頭,展望特佳,貝貝自豪的說,我將這裡命名為“Jacob’s viewpoint”!(Jacob是他的名字)

丹佛開車沿I-70州際公路西行,過了GoldenExit 260下交流道改走CO-470Colorado Springs前進,約5.7哩後下交流道改走US-285 SFairplay前進,46.9哩後抵達目的地,停車場在公路左側,或再往內開0.1哩另有一停車場,此停車場設有廁所,但在白楊木賞葉旺季此停車場經常客滿。
US 285 公路旁農莊 (The X-Brand Ranch)
The X-Brand Ranch along US 285 HWY 2The X-Brand Ranch along US 285 HWY 1
Aspen in Fall at Kenosha Pass (23)Aspen in Fall at Kenosha Pass (22)Aspen in Fall at Kenosha Pass (20)
Aspen in Fall at Kenosha Pass (19)
Aspen in Fall at Kenosha Pass (16)
Aspen in Fall at Kenosha Pass (5)
Aspen in Fall at Kenosha Pass (4)
Aspen in Fall at Kenosha Pass (2)
Aspen in Fall at Kenosha Pass (24)Aspen in Fall at Kenosha Pass (21)Aspen in Fall at Kenosha Pass (18)Aspen in Fall at Kenosha Pass (17)Aspen in Fall at Kenosha Pass (15)Aspen in Fall at Kenosha Pass (13)Aspen in Fall at Kenosha Pass (12)Aspen in Fall at Kenosha Pass (11)Aspen in Fall at Kenosha Pass (10)Aspen in Fall at Kenosha Pass (9)Aspen in Fall at Kenosha Pass (8)Aspen in Fall at Kenosha Pass (7)Aspen in Fall at Kenosha Pass (6)Aspen in Fall at Kenosha Pass (3)Aspen in Fall at Kenosha Pass (1)

從高處俯瞰Kenosha Pass
Looking at Kenosha Pass from the top (11)
Looking at Kenosha Pass from the top (5)
Looking at Kenosha Pass from the top (26)Looking at Kenosha Pass from the top (20)
Looking at Kenosha Pass from the top (18)
Looking at Kenosha Pass from the top (14)
Looking at Kenosha Pass from the top (9)
Looking at Kenosha Pass from the top (13)
Looking at Kenosha Pass from the top (25)Looking at Kenosha Pass from the top (24)Looking at Kenosha Pass from the top (23)Looking at Kenosha Pass from the top (22)Looking at Kenosha Pass from the top (21)Looking at Kenosha Pass from the top (19)Looking at Kenosha Pass from the top (17)Looking at Kenosha Pass from the top (16)Looking at Kenosha Pass from the top (15)Looking at Kenosha Pass from the top (12)Looking at Kenosha Pass from the top (10)Looking at Kenosha Pass from the top (8)Looking at Kenosha Pass from the top (7)Looking at Kenosha Pass from the top (6)Looking at Kenosha Pass from the top (4)Looking at Kenosha Pass from the top (3)Looking at Kenosha Pass from the top (2)Looking at Kenosha Pass from the top (1)

