

經由Cedar Gulch Trail攀登Mount Galbraith Loop Trail (2014.09.06)

Mount Galbraith Park 

週六和Tony同登Mount Galbraith Trail,該步道位在Golden西北角的Mount Galbraith Park內,是Jefferson County open space park的一部分,從CO-93公路和Golden Gate Canyon Road交叉口轉Golden Gate Canyon Road西行1.3哩便抵達公園停車場。
Mount Galbraith Park Loop Hiking

Mount Galbraith Trail 是一條棒棒糖式(lollipop loop)的環狀路線,從停車場起登先沿Cedar Gulch Trail 迂迴上山,約1.3哩爬升728呎後接上Mount Galbraith Loop Trail,Mount Galbraith Loop Trail就是在海拔7,260呎的Mount Galbraith山頭下環繞一圈,長約1.6哩的步道;繞完Mount Galbraith Loop Trail後再沿Cedar Gulch Trail原路下山,全程約4.2哩,總爬升高度約在1100呎左右。

Mountain view from Mount Galbraith Loop Trail

由丹佛沿US-6公路西行,行經Golden市區後於西邊接CO-93公路右轉,沿CO-93公路北行1.4哩後左轉Golden Gate Canyon Road西行,Golden Gate Canyon Road西行1.3哩後抵達路左之Mount Galbraith Park停車場。

Mount Galbraith Park parking lot

08:10 登山口出發,海拔約6,300 呎;

Cedar Gulch Trailhead 

先沿Cedar Gulch Trail渡過一條小溪後沿著溪岸行一小段路隨即“之”字形上山,步道狀況極佳;

The wooden bridge over the creek

今天霧濃,展望不佳,但濃霧中仍可看見山下蜿蜒的Golden Gate Canyon Road;

Looking down to parking lot from the Cedar Gulch Trail

Looking down to Golden Gate Canyon Road  from the Cedar Gulch Trail


Nodding Onion

Gayfeather Flowers

08:27 抵達一處越稜點,海拔約6,500 呎;步道從北面山坡轉到東面山坡往南續升。


08:42 步道旁出現幾年前森林火災後殘存的枯樹,霧濛濃中益顯出其孤零。

The burn area after forest fire 

08:52 抵達Cedar Gulch Trail和Mount Galbraith Loop Trail交叉口,海拔約6,900呎,距登山口約1.3哩;

Intersection of the Cedar Gulch Trail and the Mount Galbraith Loop 

在此交叉口往右往左都可以,因為Mount Galbraith Loop Trail是環繞著Mount Galbraith山頭的一條環線,全長1.6哩,但是如果選擇往左順時針走的話要特別注意,行約數十呎會遇到一條左岔下行的Nightbird Gulch Trail勿取,該步道是通往CO-93公路旁村莊的下山路,Mount Galbraith Loop Trail是取右直行。

Mountain view from Cedar Gulch Trail 

09:02 步道又到一處越稜點,此處展望佳,遠處山嵐縈繞著山屋,地處高緯度的大陸型氣候此景並不多見;


09:22 又見步道兩旁都是火災後枯樹。

09:25 登抵Mount Galbraith山頭西側鞍部,海拔約7,200呎,路左(東)是Mount Galbraith山頭,路右(西)一無名山頭,正式步道並不經過這兩個山頭,我和Tony決定脫離步道先登西邊的無名山頭。

Unnamed peak along the Cedar Gulch Trail

09:33 登頂無名山頭,海拔約7,300呎;

On the unnamed peak 

此時雲霧又起,見不到山下景色,倒是從南邊山頭上幾座高聳鐵塔可認出是Buffalo Bill's grave and memorial museum所在的Lookout Mountain

Lookout Mountain from Cedar Gulch Trail


10:00 回到步道後再取左去攀登Mount Galbraith山頭。

Dead tree near the summit of Mount Galbraith 

10:07 抵Mount Galbraith山頭,海拔7,260呎;山頭是一巨石堆,並無特別之處,退回步道後續沿反時針方向下山。

Mount Galbraith's summit 

Mountain view from Mount Galbraith's summit

Cedar Gulch Trail 

10:34 抵右下Nightbird Gulch Trail岔路,取左直行。

Intersection of the Nightbird Gulch Trail and the Mount Galbraith Loop

10:35 抵Cedar Gulch Trail岔路,取右循原路下山。

Intersection of the Cedar Gulch Trail and the Mount Galbraith Loop 

Runner at the Cedar Gulch Trail

Hikers at the Cedar Gulch Trail 

Looking east from the Cedar Gulch Trail 

11:13 返抵登山口,全程費時約3小時。

White campion flower 

