

怡潔旅美遊記(八)-- 大沙丘國家公園(Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve)晨曦篇(2017.07.09)

Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (21)

大沙丘國家公園(Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve)旅遊第二天一早我們五點多就到公園想看看晨曦下的沙丘。

晨間的沙丘蠻冷的,還好沒昨天的強風,今天日出時間約在六點左右,但因東方有Sangre de Cristo山脈擋住,直到六點二十幾分才看到第一道曙光灑落在大沙丘的西南端斜坡上。
Dawn at Medano Creek
Dawn at Medano Creek
Dawn at Great Sand Dunes National Park (4)
Dawn at Great Sand Dunes National Park (5)
Dawn at Great Sand Dunes National Park (9)
Dawn at Great Sand Dunes National Park

Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (1)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (2)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (3)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (4)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (6)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (5)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (7)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (8)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (10)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (11)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (9)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (12)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (13)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (14)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (15)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (16)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (17)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (33)

七點四十分左右整個大沙丘及Medano Creek的河谷地已全部曝露在陽光底下,女兒和孫子開車到大門外的商家租借滑沙板,今天白天在公園內不健行了,重點擺在滑沙!
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (43)
Sunrise at Medano Creek
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (34)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (41)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (40)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (39)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (18)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (19)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (42)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (38)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (37)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (36)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (35)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (32)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (31)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (30)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (29)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (28)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (27)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (26)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (25)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (24)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (23)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (22)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (20)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (44)Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (45)
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes National Park (46)

