

Rio Grande Gorge Bridge, Taos, New Mexico(2015.11.21)

Rio Grande Gorge Bridge from the rest area 7
Rio Grande Gorge Bridge from the rest area 

Rio Grande Gorge Bridge在當地被稱為“Gorge Bridge”和“High Bridge”,位在美國新墨西哥州Taos小城西北方10(16公里)處,是一座鋼骨結構的拱橋,跨越Rio Grande Gorge。該橋橋面距Rio Grande Gorge河谷有565(172公尺),是美國第7高、世界第82高的橋樑。
該橋於該橋於1963年開始興建,於1965年竣工,同年910日正式通車,為連接U.S.64公路東西向的一座橋梁。Rio Grande Gorge Bridge跨距為1280(390公尺),中央跨越兩岸的主跨距600(180公尺),兩端則各為300(91公尺)的引道。
The Rio Grande Gorge Bridge rest area
Rio Grande Gorge Bridge from the rest area 5
Rio Grande Gorge Bridge from the rest area 1
Rio Grande Gorge Bridge from the rest area 2
Rio Grande Gorge Bridge from the rest area 6
Rio Grande Gorge Bridge from the rest area 4
Rio Grande Gorge Bridge 2
Rio Grande Gorge Bridge 1

這座橋已經有多部影片在此取景,其中包括Natural Born KillersTwinsWhite SandsShe's Having a BabyThe Signal (2014 film)PaulWild HogsTerminator Salvation等;相對的也由於該橋之有名,自從該橋竣工之後一直有許多厭世者來此躍河自殺,有關當局正在研究如何預防此種自殺行為。
Rio Grande Gorge Bridge 4
Rio Grande Gorge Bridge 3
Looking down onto Rio Grande Gorge from the top of the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge 2
Looking down onto Rio Grande Gorge from the top of the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge 1
Looking down onto Rio Grande Gorge from the top of the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge
Rio Grande Gorge Bridge from the rest area 3

