

加拿大落磯山公園群之旅D5之三~~ Athabasca Glacier、Glacier Sky Walk (2017.06.12)

On Athabasca Glacier (2)

承前文:加拿大落磯山公園群之旅D5之二~~ Herbert Lake、Crowfoot Glacier、Bow Lake、Peyto Lake (2017.06.12)


15:50 抵達Athabasca Glacier,這裡已是進入Jasper National Park的範圍,也就是搭專車上冰川參觀的地方;
Looking towards Athabasca Glacier from parking lot
Looking towards Athabasca Glacier from parking lot

將車停放大停車場,然後到哥倫比亞冰原遊客中心(Columbia Icefield Glacier Discovery Centre)辦理排隊手續,這是我們購買的大套票第二個旅遊行程。

Columbia Icefield Glacier Discovery Centre
Columbia Icefield Glacier Discovery Centre
Looking south at Mount Athabasca and Mount Andromeda from Columbia Icefield Glacier Discovery Centre 1
Looking south at Mount Athabasca and Mount Andromeda from Columbia Icefield Glacier Discovery Centre 2
Looking south at Mount Athabasca and Mount Andromeda from Columbia Icefield Glacier Discovery Centre
Taken from Columbia Icefield Glacier Discovery Centre 2
Taken from Columbia Icefield Glacier Discovery Centre
Looking south at Columbia Icefield from Columbia Icefield Glacier Discovery Centre 1-1
Looking south at Columbia Icefield from Columbia Icefield Glacier Discovery Centre 2
Looking south at Columbia Icefield from Columbia Icefield Glacier Discovery Centre 4
Looking south at Mount Athabasca and Mount Andromeda from Columbia Icefield Glacier Discovery Centre

阿撒巴斯卡冰川(Athabasca Glacier)是哥倫比亞冰原(Columbia Icefield)範圍八座冰川的其中一座,冰川長約6公里,佔地面積6平方公里,測量厚度在90~300公尺之間,是北美最受遊客歡迎的冰川。
Athabasca Glacier (7)
Athabasca Glacier (2)
Athabasca Glacier
Columbia Melting 2
Columbia Melting 1
Columbia Melting

欲上冰川參觀必先搭乘接駁巴士開往轉乘冰原雪車(Snow Coach)的中繼站,再轉乘每輛造價上百萬美元的冰原雪車(Snow Coach)上冰川;
Athabasca Glacier shuttle bus
Athabasca Glacier shuttle bus


Athabasca Glacier from
換乘冰原雪車(Snow Coach)上冰川;
Snow Coach (1)
Snow Coach (2)
Snow Coach (4)
Snow Coach 
Bighorn sheep at Athabasca Glacier 2
Bighorn sheep at Athabasca Glacier 1
Bighorn sheep at Athabasca Glacier

乘冰原雪車(Snow Coach)約莫十來分鐘即抵達冰川行車終點,所有遊客下車在冰川上活動半小時。

Athabasca Glacier (6)
Athabasca Glacier (5)
Athabasca Glacier (3)
Athabasca Glacier (8)
Athabasca Glacier (9)
Athabasca Glacier
Red chairs On Athabasca Glacier (4)
Red chairs On  (3)
Red chairs On Athabasca Glacier (2)
Red chairs On Athabasca Glacier (1)
Red chairs On Athabasca Glacier

冰川活動家人已有多次經驗,因為在丹佛西郊Idaho Springs附近有一座也號稱冰川的Saint Mary's Glacier,風景很美常去玩,孩子們也常去那兒玩Snowboard,只是這裡的冰川規模大得多了!

On Athabasca Glacier (1)
On Athabasca Glacier (2)
On Athabasca Glacier (7)
On Athabasca Glacier (4)
On Athabasca Glacier (5)
On Athabasca Glacier (8)
On Athabasca Glacier (6)
On Athabasca Glacier (3)
On Athabasca Glacier

停留時間一到我們又搭冰原雪車(Snow Coach)回到中繼站,然後我們再換乘接駁巴士去下一站的大套票第三個旅遊行程~~冰川天空步道(Glacier Skywalk)。

接駁巴士回到93冰原公路後左轉續往西北行,行約6公里接駁巴士會直接開到冰川天空步道(Glacier Skywalk)入口處停車場,在將抵達停車場前數百公尺右側山壁上一隻黑熊帶著一隻小黑熊正往上爬,我坐在左側,因司機僅減慢速度未停車,待我拿出相機已無時間拍攝,緊抓到母熊一團黑黑模糊的身影。
Bear on the cliff
Bear on the cliff

18:00 下車後由停車場沿著探索步道(Discovery Trail)前進,進入步道前,可向工作人員領取免費的語音導覽機,可選擇不同的語言,當然也有中文解說。
Northwest view of the mountains from Glacier Skywalk 1
Northwest view of the mountains from Glacier Skywalk

冰川天空步道(Glacier Skywalk)是2014年5月才開放的新景點,地面是強化玻璃建造而成的拋物線圓弧平台,腳下是深達280公尺高度的Sunwapta Valley;
Looking down at Sunwapta Valley from Glacier Skywalk
Looking down at Sunwapta Valley from Glacier Skywalk
Columbia Glacier Skywalk View of Falls Below
Columbia Glacier Skywalk View of Falls Below
Discovery Trail, Glacier Skywalk
Discovery Trail, Glacier Skywalk
Viewing the skywalk from the parking lot with Mount Athabasca in the background 1
The skywalk with Mount Athabasca and Mount Andromeda in the background 2
Viewing the skywalk from the parking lot with Mount Athabasca in the background 2
Viewing the skywalk from the parking lot with Mount Athabasca in the background
The skywalk with Mount Athabasca and Mount Andromeda in the background 3
The skywalk with Mount Athabasca and Mount Andromeda in the background


Southwest view of the mountains from Glacier Skywalk
Southwest view of the mountains from Glacier Skywalk
Southern view of the mountains from Glacier Skywalk
Southern view of the mountains from Glacier Skywalk
Taken on the Glacier skywalk 2
Taken on the Glacier skywalk 4
Taken on the Glacier skywalk 1
Taken on the Glacier skywalk 3
Taken on the Glacier skywalk

Viewing the skywalk from the parking lot with Mount Athabasca in the background 

透過透明玻璃常常可看到Mountain goats在腳底下一兩百公尺深的峭壁上活動。

Mountain goat underneath the Glacier Skywalk 2
Mountain goat underneath the Glacier Skywalk

參觀完冰川天空步道(Glacier Skywalk)後再搭接駁車回到哥倫比亞冰原遊客中心(Columbia Icefield Glacier Discovery Centre)結束Glacier Adventure和Glacier Sky Walk的旅遊活動,然後驅車前往今晚的住宿地~~ Jasper。

19:00 離開Athabasca Glacier續往西北行。

20:25 抵達Jasper今晚住宿的民宿Cedar Gate Private Home (108 Connanght Drive, Jasper, Alberta, Canada)


★ 今日行車約350公里(約220 哩)



